Friday, November 30, 2007

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hi everyone
hope you are having a nice day

here is some information on Little Deer, From James Mooney's Myths of the Cherokee

have a lovely day, thanks for reading. -Suzy


"The powerful chief of the deer tribe is the A'wi' Usdi', or "Little Deer", who is invisible to all except the greatest masters of the hunting secrets, and can be wounded only by the hunter who has supplemented years of occult study with frequent fasts and lonely vigils. The Little Deer keeps constant protecting watch over his subjects, and sees well to it that not one is ever killed in wantonness. When a deer is shot by the hunter the Little Deer knows it at once and is instantly at the spot. Bending low his head he asks of the blood stains upon the ground if they have heard - i.e. if the hunter has asked pardon for the life that he has taken. If the formulistic prayer has been made, all is well, because the necessary sacrifice has been atoned for; but if otherwise, the Little Deer tracks the hunter to his house by the blood spots along the trail, and, unseen and unsuspected, puts into his body the spirit or rheumatism that shall rack him with aches and pains from that time henceforth. As seen at rare intervals - perhaps once in a long lifetime - the Little Deer is pure white and about the size of a small dog, has branching antlers, and is always in company with a large herd of deer."


Monday, November 26, 2007

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hi everyone
hope you are doing well
here is a link to help homeless pets...just one click equals six bowls of food!
bye, thanks for reading. -Suzy

Sunday, November 25, 2007

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hi everyone
hope you are doing well
here is a fun giant leech tale from the James Mooney book, Myths of the Cherokee

hope you enjoy it.

bye, thanks for reading, have a beautiful day.


Harry Smith, a halfbreed born about 1815, father of the late chief of the East Cherokee, informed the author that when a boy he had been told by an old woman a tradition of a race of very small people, perfectly white, who once came and lived for some time on the site of an ancient mound on the northern side of Hiwassee, at the mouth of Peachtree creek, a few miles above the present Murphy, and warned the Cherokee that they must not attempt to cross over to the south side of the river or the great leech in the water would swallow them. They finally went west, “long before the whites came.”

p. 23 in the Dover Books paperback



Saturday, November 24, 2007

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hi everyone
hope you are having a beautiful day

it is a lovely one here in Nantoka County, Katuah

on Nov. 29 there will be a music event in Blowing Rock called Pickin' for the Mountains
on Nov. 30 Jes Karper will play at the Blackwater Loft in Floyd

I will post more info on these events when I can

Ja ne, have a beautiful day. -Suzy

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Mont. Co. sayonara

moshi moshi, this is Suzy, hope you are all doing well.

I am well, but after careful consideration have chosen to bid Mont. Co. sayonara, since the craziness is too much to deal with.

Native curses may be to blame for the unbearable levels of ambient insanity in this place, but in any case I wish all of you Montgomery County dwellers well and good luck in the future. I am going to a place where the location of my shotgun and other arms is not foremost in my mind at all times.

whether you make Montgomery County your home or not, please learn a little about the native cultures that once made this area their home so you can stop torturing ghosts in this region with the crunch, crunch, crunch noises that the wheels on the genocide wagon keep making, and making, and making, as "lost" cultures keep getting buried in the ever-expanding cultural desert that has settled on it.

The Shouseki people wish ardently for peace. As their advocate I must offer pitying forgiveness to anyone whose visions of success included, and include, acts which compromise the sense of harmony our people once felt in Montgomery County. Please cease and desist with these actions, and know that the Shouseki people plan to trouble you no more, providing that you leave us alone.

hi everyone

hope you are having a very happy Thanksgiving
I just talked with Koike, things sound fine over there
here is his home page

some of the links on the site are broken as he had not been aware that had been snagged by another is being used to house information about Koike and other folks who had been previously listed at

bye, have a beautiful day. -Suzy

Sunday, November 18, 2007

- --...-- -

hi everyone
please help pray for all the families who lost their loved ones recently in the Ukrainian mines

FERC is your friend! (sort of.)

hi everyone
hope you are doing well

I am putting together some info that will help citizens quickly inform themselves of the issues surrounding FERC project #2210, AKA the Smith Mountain Lake

Once upon a time I enjoyed swimming in this lake. I wouldn't put my little toe in it now. if the fecal coliform doesn't get you, the bad ju-ju will.

how sad am I that this AEP profit pool actually serves as a public reservoir as well? very sad.

if you think that NOW is a good time to hold AEP accountable for its natural and human resource management policies at the Smith Mountain hydropower project, you are either on top on your game as a seeker of discreetly presented information, or you have great intuition, because an important clock started ticking at Smith Mountain on November 1, 2007. On that day AEP issued a preliminary licensing proposal (PLP) to renew its license to operate the dam at Smith Mountain.

FERC, the Federal Energy Regulation Commission, will accept public input about this proposal up to three months after the Nov. 1, when the PLP was issued. is the fun website where AEP publishes news on their re-licensing proposal. if the PDF associated with this PLP was not meant to bore the reader to tears, it doesn't show. so I am sifting through this info to find relevant stuff on the ways this project impacts, and has impacted, communities in this region and around the globe. you might cry when you read about the fish that die when water pressure shifts cause them body trauma, but at least you will not be crying tears of boredom.

now don't get me wrong - I am not looking to see the dam shut down, at least in light of the information I have now. the drowning of Smith Mountain Valley cannot be un-done, so it would not make very much sense to me to waste all the sacrifices that were made by area communities to enable this source of energy independence to exist.

I do, however, feel like it is an appropriate time to give FERC and the AEP a bit of a shopping list that includes stuff like...

- reservoir water that does not taste like gas, and transmit giardia and tapeworm.

- suitable acknowledgement and recompense for the sacrifices made by native peoples and members of preexisting communities when their churches, burial sites, and Lord knows what else got inundated

- resource management policies that do more than just say, 'our environmental studies have concluded that there is not that much nature to manage at the project, so we are not going to worry about it'.

- real answers and solutions for home and land owners who thought they were making a smart investment when they purchased property along the shores of the impoundment project at Smith Mountain

- Etc.

here is the link for folks who want to get started as citizen-consultants to FERC. below are a few excerpts from the PLP report to whet your appetite for clean, un-bewitched water.

bye, thanks for reading, have a beautiful day. -Suzy


Excerpts from


"The reservoirs for the Smith Mountain project were not designed with flood control capabilities."

page 14


"Fecal streptococci also has been measured within the tributaries to Smith Mountain Lake. Of the twenty-two tributaries to the lake monitored in 2003, twenty-one had fecal streptococci isolates from human sources while all had isolates from livestock sources. In 2003, the program recorded six violations of the fecal coliform standards for Virginia, a significant increase in fecal populations compared to the year before."

page 49


"In association with its relicensing efforts, APCO commissioned a Phase I archaeological study at the Leesville Development in 2007). The study, developed in consultation with the SHPO, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and the Virginia Council of Indians, consisted of a literature search, pedestrian reconnaissance of the Leesville Development APE, and an intensive archaeological survey in high probability areas. As part of the Study Plan Development, the participants agreed that the evaluation of previously recorded cultural resources within the APE of the Smith Mountain Development would take place when work is proposed in the area of those resources, and would be the responsibility of the party whose action has the potential to disturb those resources....As Moore and Voigt (2007:131) noted, portions of the Leesville Development which are considered sensitive for archaeological purposes could not be surveyed because they were inundated during the course of the survey fieldwork."

p. 122



Saturday, November 17, 2007

AEP re-licensing info at Smith Mountain Lake (via Wikipedia)


AEP is licensed to operate the Smith Mountain Project by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The initial license term was for fifty years. In 1998, AEP began the process of relicensing which should be complete in 2009. The new license term may be up to fifty years. Under the requirements of relicensing, AEP is required to perform numerous studies to determine management requirements during the upcoming license term. Once the new license is issued, amending AEP's license will become much more difficult.



- --...-- -

hi everyone
hope you are well
here is a link to an article about violence in Blacksburg

anybody who wants to know my opinion about whether or not Blacksburg is a good real estate investment is welcome to it: no!

anybody looking to know my opinion about whether they should go make friends with a bank to seek help buying a place in this town is also welcome to it: double no!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


hi everyone

hope you are well
J. Carper will play tonight in Blacksburg at the Easy Chair, this will begin at 6 pm

The Twig Pickers' upcoming show at the Cellar has been canceled due to football (boo!)

also here is an editorial from the Roanoke Times regarding some proposed development in this region

ja ne, have a beautiful day. -Suzy

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

- --...-- -

---...--- news for 11-14-07 - A musical performance by J. Carper
will begin at 6 pm tomorrow, November 15, at the Easy Chair in Blacksburg, Virginia.
This is a free event, and all are welcome. Please call the Easy Chair bookstore
at 540 - 552 - 2665 for more details.



Monday, November 12, 2007

- --...-- -

hello everyone
hope you are well has been contacted regarding a way for folks to microinvest in the Shouseki Situs...this is a VNRV business which as I understand it enjoys a good reputation locally.

if you are interested in saving the Shouseki situs from desecration and ruin please keep your eyes on the Trail of No Tears pages so that you can have your mouse at the ready when it comes time to act.

bye, thanks for reading. -Suzy

ps. the Trail is working now although the ikigai generator is busted right now. you can still get your Hank fix on this page.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

hi everyone

if you live near Nevada City CA you still have 6 or so days to round up supplies to send to Big Mountain...please scroll around in the newly repaired Trail of No tears to get some info on the supply pickup happening in your area on Nov. 17.

have a beautiful day, thanks for reading. -Suzy


- --...-- -

hi everyone

hope you are well, happy Sunday

I did not know we were so far along in the week yesterday, hope no confusion was caused by this.

I just found out that there is a very good new paper in Blacksburg, called 16 Blocks. their debut issue is out now.

on Tuesday Nov. 13 the Kevin Locke native dance ensemble will perform at the Jefferson Center in Roanoke, this looks very good. the Gillie's old-time jam is that night too, and an art reception for H. Wenger's show will coincide with this.

if you are interested in becoming a microinvestor in the new land & water care awareness project being planned to save resources in Hiwassee, please stay tuned. new opportunities are being created daily. the minimum investment is around two pennies, and easy financing terms are available if you don't have access to this kind of capital.

bye, have a wonderful day, thanks for reading. -Suzy

Saturday, November 10, 2007

- --...-- -

hi everyone, hope you are doing well

there is a mountain blessing tomorrow in Ansted to pray for clean waters and healthy mountains in this region

on Sunday A'Court Bason will perform at Oddfella's and on Tuesday there will be an art reception at Gillie's for Howard Wenger's farm art exhibit, both these events are listed on

also, a benefit event for Antrolana lira & friends is in the works...many talented musicians and artists have offered to help out with this. dates and venues are being arranged now, if you would like to donate your time and/or talent to this project please get in touch when you can.

many thanks to those who have contributed funds to help print flyers etc. to help create some elbow room for this rare and adorable creature. and of course a very big thank you to everyone who has helped with the A. lira visibility project so far.

below is an excerpt from the Antrolana lira recovery plan written by Dr. Daniel Fong in 1996. Antrolana lira, AKA the Madison Cave Isopod, is a subterranean freshwater crustacean endemic to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Like humans, it dies when water is polluted, making it a fitting mascot for Montgomery County residents looking to enjoy the benefits of clean, healthy, fairly managed water resources.

if you live in or downstream from Montgomery County, VA, make sure you educate yourself about the pollution risks that exist in phreatic waters, even if you have no interest in settling inside them like the Antrolana People do. I assure you that this is a good use of your time.

"The government will make sure my water is clean," you might be saying. "I have no need to get wrapped up in some environmental cause."

my personal response to these two sentiments would be uncontrollable laughter directed at the first notion, and extreme pity directed at the second notion, especially if your family has invested in land or property in Montgomery County.

don't find out the hard way how much Montgomery County humans, and all humans, have in common with our friends the Antrolana People. now is your chance to get better acquainted with this charismatic crustacean, whose struggle for survival is ultra-relevant to the story of any modern human being.

so the next time an Antrolana person extends a pereopod of friendship, take it! you won't be sorry. in addition to the ikigai savings they enjoy through their knowledge of karst aquifers, friends of the Antrolana tribe also enjoy significant savings when shopping for food security supplies, intellectual properties, and real property in their local Tengoku Mart. and once you have acquired the ability to shop in a Tengoku mart, I doubt you will shop anyplace else when given the choice.

Ja ne, take care & have a beautiful day.


- --...-- -

Description and Distribution

Thomas C. Barr, Jr. discovered the Madison Cave isopod in 1958 in a deep lake at the bottom of a fissure in Madison Saltpetre Cave in Augusta County, Virginia. It was described by Bowman (1964) as Antrolana lira, a new genus as well as a new species. Antrolana remains a monotypic genus to date, and is closely related to the genera Cirolanides, found in Texas, and Mexilana and Speocirolana, both found in Mexico (Holsinger et al. 1994).

As is typical of isopods, A. lira has a dorso-ventrally flattened, compact body plan, a pair of short first antennae and a pair of long second antennae. It has seven pairs of pereopods. The first, anterior-most pair is modified as prehensile grasping structures. The second through seventh pairs, which get progressively longer toward the posterior, are ambulatory. Unlike most freshwater isopods, which can only walk along the substrate, A. lira is also an excellent swimmer in the water column. Like most subterranean organisms, A. lira is eyeless and depigmented. It has a transparent cuticle through which some of its internal organs, such as as the hepatopancreas, are visible. Males reach about 15 mm in length and 5 mm in width, females about 18 mm in length and 6 mm in width, making this species among the longer, and the most massive, of subterranean isopods in the eastern United States.


Source: Daniel W. Fong's Madison Cave Isopod recovery plan (prepared in 1996 for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

- --...-- -

hi everyone

she is really small in this image, but isn't she beautiful?
this is a half-albino deer that jumped out in the road in front of us yesterday. luckily she let us get this picture before she sprang into the woods.

yesterday morning I had the chance to view the website of some Shouseki competitors, which got pretty hyper and distressed. seeing this amazing sight yesterday did me a lot of good.

folks who have seen, and become depressed by, the website in question should know that a few projects are in the works to help level the playing field for certain hypothetical endangered species who are looking to escape a fate far worse than death: death by poop.

if a person from the Eats With Teeth Like Knives clan would like to settle down in sacred areas of the Shouseki settlement they are welcome to. just don't insult the spirits of this land by attempting to get out of your car. your presence alone will make the springs angry and bitter. to say nothing of the wrath of the Shouseki Baptists and the tax inflation haters.

Persons who are interested in making an exit from the Eats With Teeth Like Knives clan so that they can enjoy the fun amenities that are available to those folks who ramble freely in Shouseki lands without fear of angry springs and water quality enthusiasts should contact a Shouseki land use officer ASAP. These folks identify themselves with flags, stickers, etc. affirming the Joy of Critter Saving and Food Security.

On days when the Shouseki embargo requires them to sacrifice full access to coffee, these land use officers may sometimes put a finer point on the slogans etc. they use to articulate their strong disapproval of the policies and practices of the E.W.T.L.K. tribe. "Infiltrators go home" and "Eat the Rich" are just a few of the whimsical and high-spirited mottoes you may see if you drive by the home or vehicle of a Shouseki person who happens to have had nothing for breakfast that day but a bellyful of Babylon.

On days like that you daresn't, as my Nanny used to say, stop your car to ask one of these community members if their land is for sale too, lest you wind up wishing you had stayed in bed all day catching up on your Bible reading. You might as well ask a Shouseki person if her daughter is for sale.

Ja ne, have a beautiful day, thanks for reading. - Suzy


Monday, November 05, 2007


hi everyone
hope you are well

there has been a bit of progress on the Situs land transfer negotiations. a collective of investors and residential caretakers has made a purchase inquiry. anyone with any interest at all in keeping residential growth in Montgomery County, VA at safe and emotionally healthy levels should definitely stay tuned or get in contact with a Shouseki representative.

the Shouseki team is working to:

- Leverage available resources so that the end sale price of land parcels in the Situs area do not negatively impact the quality of life of Situs neighbors.

- Inform government officials and members of the public about the many dimensions involved in sensible land use planning.

- Research treaties, geology, and and historical information which has a bearing on the legality of the deed that is currently being used to deny Shouseki Situs access to members of the public.

- Document property sale techniques to ensure compliance with fair housing laws and "highest and best" land usage.

- Provide environmental reports to businesses and organizations on the caution they should exercise in providing certain services, such as well drilling, to persons who have made a land claim above an uncharted cavern system.

- Etc.

if you can help with any of these land care chores PLEASE get to work. our ikigai farm has overcome some pretty serious odds but the struggle continues.

if you have any ability at all to mitigate the potential wrath of the Blue Springs by showing concern and care for them please do so. one need look no further than the Travianna Farm to see what enormous risks await those who fail to recognize the scary manifestations that a spring can take on when it is angered.

Ja ne, have a beautiful day, thanks for reading. -Suzy

ps. Howard Wenger just hung a farm art show at Gillies, this will begin today and run until the 17th or 18th. on Tuesday, November 18, a reception for this exhibit will begin at 8 pm. this will coincide with the old-time jam.

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Sunday, November 04, 2007

important Tengoku-Mura bulletin

hi everyone
hope you are well

if you are a co-investor in the Tengoku-Mura project, or a prospective resident, please inform yourself ASAP about proposed changes in ownership to the Situs. I just learned a number of parcels within the Situs region are being offered for sale, making it critical that any and all Tengoku-Mura project participants take steps to leverage existing resources to assist with the land transfer negotiation we envision as a means of protecting the lands and waters surrounding the current Shouseki Situs.

it is important for readers to know that the sale of these lands would dramatically impact many people from many walks of life. if you are curious to know how upcoming land deals in L'il Mont, VA could affect your standards of living, please stay tuned to I will disseminate info there as time permits.

until then all Shouseki persons are kindly asked to spend time praying for peace, wisdom, friendship and satisfactory treaties in this and other land use conflict zones.

bye, have a beautiful day, thanks for reading. -Suzy

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy 11-01-07

hi everyone

hope you are well...our Halloween was the happiest possible, except for a few moments when the Water Quality Monster got wroth upon news of some scary real estate deals in the works but aside from that it was a wonderful evening.

below is a clip from the Roanoke times that has to do with the manner in which the 4th amendment is enforced in these parts...although it is important that readers know about goings-on like this in the Shouseki settlement area I hope that viewing reports of police harassment and water rights violations in this area will not deter prospective Tengoku-Mura settlers from moving to, or staying in, this beautiful and sacred region.

I realize that some Shouseki persons might be looking at our area from the outside and thinking, "wow, that area looks crappy, and polluted." it is true, the Great Whore has left quite a sizable footprint here, but that is no reason for folks to give up on caring for Katuah, or for the ideals this word embodies.

since the Water Quality Monster is not quite ready to get down off her Dr. Bronner's box, here are a few thoughts on this matter: if there has ever been a better time for a Shouseki person to invest in an alternative to the Mad Max/Tank Girl future we are driving ourselves toward with our land use policies, it is today. and of all the places where your investment could make a difference, Katuah is probably (in the humble opinion of current Tengoku-Mura residents) the #1 place to live, providing that you live in a manner which enables you to stay in close touch with your neighbors and water care colleagues.

a wide range of non-blighted lands are still accessible in Shouseki housing developments, and prices of Tengoku-Mura housing units are extremely competitive when compared to the cost of feeding your family when you don't have access to farmland, and the economy, starved of resources, goes splat, and the price of milk begins to double each day (see Kenya).

are you scared yet? good. you should be, especially if you have a little kid.

desertification is serious sh*t. so is water-borne disease. and famine. and genocide. think it can't happen to you? do the Haber-Bosch math.

Water Quality Monster says this: OOOGA BOOGA! be scared. but be smart. don't perish in filth. wise up about dirty water! the life, and the ikigai, you save could be your own.

Water Quality Monster also says this: if you have been, in a previous life, a profiteer from bad water quality policies, don't hesitate to inquire about your eligibility to gain full amnesty from future wet noodle lashings at the Shouseki Pirate Nouveau lair. and if you are even close to being innocent of all wrongdoing concerning the protection of the global water supply, THANK YOU and NAMASTE and GOKUROSAMA, will you please come live here with us in the Shouseki settlement?

I think you will love it here. lots of folks have already made the big switch from being the victim of tax vampirism etc. to being a carefree resident of a Tengoku-Mura closed community. in addition to a variety of wonderful menu options, fun activities, and educational opportunities, Tengoku-Mura residents have the pleasure of collaborating in the creation of a future in which Hell hath closed up her throat just a bit, then a bit more, and a bit more until it finally became possible for hearers etc. to pay attention to something other than the screams of her victims.


- - - - 11-01-07 - Roanoke Times - -- -


As the well-mannered motorist answered questions in a "rambling, cooperative and forthcoming" way, the suspicious ranger became even more so -- especially after learning that Moore had been to FloydFest.

So he asked if he could search the truck.

"By all means, go ahead, brother," Moore replied.

Gagnon searched the cab and rummaged through luggage in the bed of the truck, looking for guns, drugs or alcohol. All he found was some medication that belonged to Moore's passenger.

He patted the passenger down, found nothing incriminating and turned his attention back to Moore.

"Lacking any objective basis for suspicion," Gagnon then frisked Moore and found a pipe with a small amount of marijuana in his pocket, the opinion stated. Although prosecutors argued that Moore consented to the search, Urbanski ruled that the ranger had no legal reason to detain him.

Even some members of the local law enforcement community are irked at the way park rangers have acted, according to Jonathan Rogers, a Floyd County lawyer who represents two people charged in the crackdown.

Especially troubling, Rogers said, is that someone can arouse an officer's suspicion just for being "way too nice" or "extremely polite."

"You can't be polite without being suspicious," he said. "Please. It's outrageous."
