Sunday, January 20, 2008

Apartheid in America being examined by UN

via Intercontinental Cry.


"The International Indian Treaty Council will soon present the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination with a document that reveals America’s legacy of systemic racism, forced assimilation and apartheid of Indigenous Peoples.

The 87-page Consolidated Indigenous Shadow Report, which has been prepared with testimony from a number of individuals, covers issues such as: environmental racism, border injustices, the destruction of sacred places, violence against women, and most tellingly, the “overwhelming disparities in income, life expectancy, poverty and unemployment” in what can only be described as a system of Apartheid and forced assimilation “where Indigenous people are warehoused in poverty and neglect, their only option being to abandon their lands, families, languages and cultures to search for a better life.”

Among other matters, the report also examines the Plenary Powers Doctrine, the so-called ‘Trust’ Relationship, and the “current application of racist constitutional doctrine established by the United States Supreme Court” in the early 1800s.

As stated in the Conclusion,

The United States perpetuates a constitutional and legal system that legitimizes discriminatory practices towards Indigenous Peoples by failing to protect their rights …"


Thursday, January 17, 2008

How to sculpt a mini river in Katuah

1. Train yourself to become weather-attuned, so that when a heavy snow falls, you will have fast access to a great deal of snowy Katuah land.
2. Gear up using “Trail of No Tears” supplies.
3. Map and evaluate potential spring points while you wait for snow.

When the snow starts falling, hit the Trail of No Tears and:

1. Pat a handful of snow into a ball.
2. Place snowball in snow and coat it with fresh snow.
3. Continue in this manner, making each snowball as dense and perfectly spherical as possible.
4. Place snowballs in varying sizes at spring points of your choosing.
5. Document the beginnings of your river.


Monday, January 14, 2008

16 blocks party info

hi folks,
here is some info on the 16 Blocks party happening at She Sha later this week.
bye, have a great day. -Suzy


16 Blocks Issue #4 party

Issue #4 is coming out Friday, Jan 18!!!

A release show will take place at She-Sha 7:00 on that day, and will feature a diverse array of art, music, poetry, and much more.

The Spiral Joy Band will perform, and artists Pris Sears, Suzy Nees, Knic Umstead, Dave Franusich, Christina O'Conner, and special guest Tristan Cloyd will be exhibiting their works.

Writers/Poets Flash Clark, Asha Mills, Eddrick Douglass, and others will be reading their poetry.

About 16 Blocks

16 Blocks is for the dishwashers, the clerks, the baristas, the cooks, the drivers, the staff, the waitresses, the bouncers, the managers, the bartenders, the cashiers, the landscapers, and the out-of-work loungers. 16 Blocks is in the scene.

16 Blocks is for the undecided undergraduates, the four and outers, the lingering graduate students, the serious researchers, the theses and dissertation writers, the young professors and TAs, the community college commuters. 16 blocks is young Blacksburg.

16 Blocks is for the locals, the weekend visitors, the transplants, the young professionals, those waiting for a gig and the “been here to0 longers.”

From Heather Drive to the top of Harding. From Ellet Road to Mount Tabor, 16 Blocks is for you.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

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hi everyone, hope you are well. here is an interesting article I found on about funds Japan has recently set aside to support climate stabilization technologies around the world

bye, thanks for reading, have a good day. -Suzy

Saturday, January 12, 2008

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teach-in info

"On Jan. 31, over 1,300 colleges, universities, high schools and middle schools, faith organizations, civic groups, and businesses will join together in the biggest national teach-in in U.S. history, Focus the Nation: Global-Warming Solutions for America. Across the country, over 10,000 volunteers are building Focus events that will engage over a million Americans, and help move this country beyond an uncharacteristic fatalism to a determination to face up to this civilizational challenge."


16 Blocks party

hi everyone
the 16 Blocks folks are having a party this coming week, featuring Spiral Joy, local art, and much more. I will post more when I can.
bye, have a great day. -Suzy

Friday, January 11, 2008

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hi everyone
folks who wish to protest the existence of Guantanamo are being asked to wear orange today; here is a link to the info as well as an article on the criminal record of an important figure at Diebold.
take care,

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


hi everyone

hope you are well and having a beautiful day

here is some info on eutrophic zones. the killing of water is a little understood aspect of climate change but it is hugely important.

bye, thanks for reading. -Suzy

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

in the immortal words of Mr. Mojo...woo!

hi everyone, happy 01-02-08

here is some info on the new open source search technology set to launch on January 7. pretty exciting if you ask me.

bye, have a beautiful day. -Suzy

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hi everyone

hope you had an absolutely wonderful 01-01-08 yesterday, it was a truly amazing one in Ayuwa'si.

below is a notice from the Lakotah regarding the title disputes they have been bringing forth recently. folks who have found their homesteads to be within disputed areas are offered specific language in the notice below as to the Lakotah's reluctance to make this title dispute issue into a problem which will slump onto the shoulders of the residents of the United States.

might I make a real property management suggestion here? there are lots and lots of ways clever Lakotah non-haters can creatively re-value the worth of their homestead by using this issue as a way of really looking at whether or not "owning" the land is a good deal at all in the first place.

the holes that have been left in most United States residents' understanding of the gravity of these and other treaty violations as a result of federally funded public schooling make it difficult for many people to see (at least right now) why it is so critical that North American residents start facing these treaty violation issues with a fresh approach.

the old approach was ignoring the outright slaughter, pure and simple, that went into the creation of what is now called the United States. because United States public schools do not deal with educating the public appropriately about these issues, the nasty diet we are left with as a culture is apartheid, bad ju-ju, and misery.

it behooves all katuahnet residents to understand that the realm they are living in has shared borders with some pretty darn barbaric people over the years; people that make the Lending Industry look like a walk in the park.

and when I say barbaric I do not mean, the manners you have when you dump two fistfuls of Cheez-Its on top of a bowl of farm-fresh rooster noodle soup.

why am I telling you all this? to cheer you up in case you are sad or panicked this 01-02-08. if you have done your water quality awareness homework you have nothing at all to panic about. I promise. The Ama'yine'hi swarmed Ayuwa'si yesterday to ensure its continued autonomy, and if you play your cards you might get to hang out with them at the Lair and trade ninja jokes etc. during the fair water trade summit this spring. (just make sure you do your homework each day!)

Happy 01-02-08!
Love, Suzy


Notice to All Foreign Governments and Private Owners
of Real Estate within the Republic of Lakotah
Download this PDF File

Republic of Lakotah

P.O. Box 99
Porcupine, SD 57772

JAN 1, 2008

Notice to All Foreign Governments and Private Owners of Real Estate within the Republic of Lakotah


The United States of America;

The States of: Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska;

The County and Municipal Governments Operating within the Republic of Lakotah; and All Private Owners of Real Estate within the Republic of Lakotah

Lakotah, through its government, have appointed representatives to withdraw from all the treaties with the United States of America.

Lakotah, through such representatives, have formally withdrawn from all agreements and treaties with the United States of America. The reinstitution of our freedom and independence is found in law.

Lakotah has reclaimed sovereignty as a nation and over its traditional lands.

Despite many years of repeated bad faith on the part of the United States government towards the Lakotah People, the Lakotah hold no animosity toward the American people, most of whom have had no part in the actions of their government. We wish to deal with the American people in good faith and in a win-win manner.

While we have the right to impose liens on all of the real estate in our country, we prefer to come to resolutions with you all with out resorting to such measures. Accordingly, at this time, we are only declaring liens on real estate held by governments foreign to the Republic of Lakotah, but not on real estate held by private parties.

The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties substantiate this freedom.

Lakotah welcomes the opportunity to meet and discuss this matter. We are in the process of scheduling meetings and will issue public invitations. Should you desire input with regard to scheduling these meetings, please contact us at the above.

Russell Means, Chief Facilitator
Provisional Government
Republic of Lakotah