Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Art studio closure sale in Blacksburg Va

Sculpture & homesteading supplies for sale, barter, or FREE

All items sold or bartered "as is" and need to be off site by 2-28-09.
Location: Montgomery County, VA

Please dial
for more info.

Six Grandfathers project participants take note - You may find this soon-to-be-vacated artist's lair a real treasure trove!

Handy negotiation tip: Anything that does not fit in a compact car is extremely "JAMA" at this point so make an offer!




Air compressor. Worked fine just a few years ago.


Dryer. Heating element not currently working but may be fixable.


Boulders. Modestly sized for your convenience. Sculpture quality.


Soil amendments. Perlite, vermiculite, etc.


Locust poles. Recently hewn. About 12 ft tall.


Firewood. All seasoned hardwood.


Chainsaw. Made by McCullogh.


Artworks. Prints, paintings, sculpture, etc.


...plus much more!




Milk, eggs, pet food, veterinary assistance, timbering help

