Wednesday, January 18, 2006

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image - Rev. Jesse Jackson speaking at Burruss Hall, Virginia Tech. Jan. 16 2006


hi readers
hope you are all doing well and having a nice day
it is frosty cold here

the other day I saw Rev. Jesse Jackson speak in Blacksburg.
I learned that there is a national memorial being built for Martin Luther King, Jr.
This will be at the national mall. I will be posting details about the project as I have time.

in other news the ACLU and other groups are suing to halt creepy domestic spying programs, an initiative I LOUDLY agree with.

Thanks ACLU!

Rose-May sent me a great article the other day from Orion about mountaintop removal, and I need to post that soon....

Randal McCloy is out of intensive care and he is breathing on his own, but he has not yet regained consciousness. I just found out that today's post focuses on International Coal and the Sago disaster...

right now I am doing some web optimization work for vtls and it is taking up a lot of my time, so I apologize to all the folks who are waiting to hear from me by e-mail. I will try to get caught up with this today.

ok well I must go. please help spread the word about the MLK memorial, they are at a critical fundraising phase

bye, have a great day & thanks for reading.



tags - Sago, Martin Luther King, MLK memorial, ACLU