Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hi everyone
Hope you are well, things here are fine

Here is the first bit of news: Straw bale building guru Leon D. is back in town to complete the straw bale building at the Jacksonville Center. If you are interested in learning more about straw bale construction please stay tuned. There will be a few educational work days coming up to help complete this project, and they will be announced on the Jacksonville Center News blog.

The Traces library is installed in the Maple Room of the Jacksonville Center residence right now, and audiopark.org is installed in the Oak Room. Items on display include locally made Xun flutes, ceramic work by Melody Wolfe Thomas, artisan-made bamboo products from Japan, the newest Mountain Fever album and much more.

A public reception and open house for this installation will happen on April 14, which is a Saturday. Other things going on that day at the Jacksonville Center include a reception in the Hayloft Gallery for the annual instructor's exhibit and an open studio tour. Please call the center at 745-2784 to learn more.

Here are some news bits for your music calendar. Far off, but significant, is the fact that on May 18 the American Dumpster band will play at the Sun music hall in Floyd. Also on Earth Day at the Sun there will be a benefit for Oxfam and the Blacksburg Farmer's Market. Carbon Culture many others will play at this event, and the ticket price is quite reasonable, making it a no-brainer for recluses and penny pinchers who are reluctant to attend any music event which is not guaranteed cool.

SPRUNG! is another upcoming music event that will be happening in March at the Sun. I know that Carbon Culture is playing for this too along with some other great bands.

Billy and the Inimitable Chris will play at Oddfella's this Sunday from 11 to 4. I will post more info about the upcoming Oddfella's schedule as time permits, right now time does not permit very well but hopefully that will change soon.

Ja ne, thanks for reading, have a beautiful day. -Suzy

