Sunday, September 03, 2006

a memo to readers of the Traces Stone Sculpture Journal

hi everyone
hope you are well

if you are reading this post via the Traces stone sculpture journal, thank you for your visit, and thank you for your patience!

this is a note to let you know that I am still in the process of re-organizing the Traces stone sculpture archives. I apologize for the fact that this process has taken so long, but

A) good stone sculpture information does not exactly grow on trees; and
B) lots of perfectly good links have been broken when folks didn't renew their domain names, and
C) I have gotten pretty darn sidetracked lately with the Marsh Fork issue.

Anyway please visit the eastern-most point of the loop if you are searching for information related to stone sculpture, as this is where I will be posting whatever I can salvage.

Have a wonderful day & thanks for reading.

-Suzy Nees


tags for this post - stone sculpture